Saturday, May 02, 2009

Where We've Been

This blog has been seriously neglected for the past few months. It's not something I really intended to let lapse, other projects just took precedence for a while. Rebuilding the backyard and getting the garden set up again after everything was excavated to replace a sewer line consumed all of our weekends through March and much of April, but things are finally up and running. A detailed post on our new and improved plot will be forthcoming. I promise.

The other endeavor I've been devoting more attention to is my photography. I participated in a fantastic photography workshop in March, and spent nearly every spare moment in April to setting up shop. As of May 1, East End Portrait Photography is officially open for business! The blog launched yesterday, and I'm hoping to have a website up soon. (One thing at a time . . .) A second job, that's exactly what I needed, right?

And because life wouldn't be complete if I didn't find yet another project to focus my few free moments on, I have plans to redesign (and move) this blog as well. In the process of setting up the business blog, I found myself enamored with everything I could do with Wordpress, so I've made up my mind to move Postcards from the East End to a new site, with a new look. Just as soon as I get through about 16 other things on my to-do list. In the meantime, things may continue to be a little slow around here, but hang in there with me. I'll be back, and better than ever about keeping you posted on all that we're up to.


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