Friday, September 12, 2008

Look Who's Walking!

Violet took her first steps a couple of weeks ago, and I was fortunate enough to capture them in a photo! That evening, after returning home from work and daycare, Violet and I had headed outside to enjoy the late-summer sunshine. Camera in tow, of course. As I took a few shots of her on the grass, she practiced standing up on her own, always plopping back down on her well-padded bottom. And then . . . she lifted one tiny foot, and took a wobbly step forward. And then another. I kept snapping for a second or two before flinging the camera aside to scoop her up and give her a great big hug once she sat back down. She's been showing off her stride ever since!

1 comment:

jomama said...

Oh I just love those first wobbly steps! Watch out, mama! She'll be running circles around you in the blink of an eye! Go Violet!